Intuition means see or look beyond the facts which calculation could not fathom or no rational brain can guess or no experience gathered by ourselves, just manipulation of sense that alarming against even or odds, telling the future, about what to do or not. some spiritual power here liable to create or happen the sequence with out natural process or help of man. The question is if not man is the goal then what will happen when all ordinary man involved thinking nothing about the superman's intuition
some people finds its very useful to calculate which is right and wrong by intuition also but I think its only logical mind or rational mind deprecates other difficulties against a given situation.when some one is tired about some answer or solution about any mathematical equation than intuition may come in spite of reality. And the final word is that with out human brain no intuition works so it is some sorts of brains reliability and nothing whimsical or irrational.
People has vague idea of lives after death and different religions gave different ideas but the summary are the same.People hope that they will reign for eternal. some heavens are created to live and some behaviors are banned here (on earth)to use it after death only. Few religions are alike the difference between the religions are very narrow but no one has solid proof, even the science cannot fathom this so I opened this blog to discuss and learn from the learned
জনপ্রিয় পোস্টসমূহ
আই এস ও ফিল্ম বা পর্দার (ডিজিটাল ) সংবেদনশীলতা আলো দ্বারা নির্ধারিত হয় সর্বনিম্ন ৫০ থেকে ২৫০০০ পর্যন্ত মাত্রা ক্যামেরা সেটিংস করা যায...
ছবির কিছু অংশ পরিষ্কার আবার কিছু অংশ অস্পষ্ট এটা শুধু মাত্র ফোকাস নির্ধারণ দ্বারা নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা যায় , ক্যামেরা ফোকাস একই সাথে সকল অংশ করল...
Intuition means see or look beyond the facts which calculation could not fathom or no rational brain can guess or no experience gathered by ...
Religious faith is possibly the most destructive force in the world. Religion can create selfishness and unity for some said people not for...
Fight or flight - our automatic response to danger. When fear is present, adrenaline pours into our system to prepare us to fight or flee - ...
কালার ছবির নিখুত ছবি তোলা কঠিন কারণ রঙের ওয়েভ লেংথ আলাদা প্রতিটি রং লেন্সে দ্বারা পতিসরিত হয়ে আলাদা দুই রঙের ছবি সৃষ্টি করতে পারে যেটি অস...
When a baby tries to do a new thing his mother follow and do not let him do those things that are harmful to the baby so does Islam, eithe...
Death is not something that many people want to think about. However, death is a part of living a human life. At least, our current level o...
সারা বিশ্বের সকল মানুষ মৃত্যু বিষয়ে নিশ্চিত হতে পারেনি , বিভিন্ন ধর্মে বিভিন্ন ধরনের আলোচনা তর্ক আরো উস্কে তোলে, মৃত্যু পরবর্তী জীবন নিয়ে...
People on life do not understand about lives after death because that life will start after death only and no body (PHYSICAL BODY) needed t...
About Me
human brains that are liable for all progress or rewards
neither of the universe got a life so human brains are the most significant and valuable parts that evolves from the earth and to where all species depend on to live and cherish.
what is the meaning of life?
Learning to manage the pain of loneliness is essential to discovering your passion and purpose. There is no way of managing loneliness without a deep and personal connection to a spiritual source of love and wisdom. We cannot manage loneliness from our mind alone.
It is our child within – our feeling self – that has the blueprint for what has meaning for us, for our passion and purpose. Each of us comes to this planet with a deep purpose to express, and when we don't express this purpose, we end up feeling empty and depressed. Yet we cannot discover this purpose when we keep a lid on our feelings.
You will find deep meaning in your life when you decide to open to and learn from your feelings of loneliness rather than continue to shut them down. And you will open to these feelings only when you do not feel alone inside due to experiencing the love and wisdom of your spiritual Guidance. Opening to Divine Love and opening to your feelings will bring you the fullness, joy, passion and purpose that are the yearnings of your soul.
It is our child within – our feeling self – that has the blueprint for what has meaning for us, for our passion and purpose. Each of us comes to this planet with a deep purpose to express, and when we don't express this purpose, we end up feeling empty and depressed. Yet we cannot discover this purpose when we keep a lid on our feelings.
You will find deep meaning in your life when you decide to open to and learn from your feelings of loneliness rather than continue to shut them down. And you will open to these feelings only when you do not feel alone inside due to experiencing the love and wisdom of your spiritual Guidance. Opening to Divine Love and opening to your feelings will bring you the fullness, joy, passion and purpose that are the yearnings of your soul.
The unknown things of the world
Some time people have nothing to do something happening miraculously and consistently which we call as luck the science could not fathom this but trying to say something by studying the universal motions though it will not the prove of god but what will rational people say against it.
spirituality and science which is right ?
spirituality and science have to be opposed to each other? Unfortunately, just defining either concept seems almost hopeless at times. On the other hand, describing them is much easier, so let's start there.
Science isn't system, but an approach to knowledge, a method. we must agree it is the most useful or productive method of understanding the world. What are its essential characteristics? They are objective observation, the deriving of principles and "laws", and predictions based on these. (When it produces things, it is also technology.)
Science can be easily differentiated from religion by the fact that all of the knowledge it produces might be proven wrong. Religious "knowledge" is typically sacred, and untouchable, while scientific knowledge is always being overthrown or refined by further application of science. While faith is the cornerstone of religion, evidence is for science.
This explains why "creationist" science is not actually science. A creationist "scientist" will not allow his religiously based beliefs to be challenged by new evidence. He will openly tell you that his "faith" is more important to him than the evidence. He only uses the pretense of science to support his preconceived notions. Many scientists, on the other hand, have overturned even their own theories, because the essence of science.
It seems that spirituality and science contradict one another, but this would only be true if all spirituality was based on religious beliefs. Spirituality, though, can be seeking higher levels of experience, asking the deepest questions, and seeking the true "self," which in no way makes it contrary to science. In fact, since science is such a productive method of discovering new truths, it can be used for spiritual exploration and discovery.
I a belief in God contrary to science? Not so long as it is based on experience rather than faith, and it is open to change. Spiritual systems of beliefs can be a convenient way of organizing and using our knowledge and experience, like many other scientific theories or paradigms. To be scientific, though, they must be open to change.
When the evidence shows it to be a phenomenon involving brain chemicals, why not accept that too? It is scientific spirituality, by the way, that has lead to the technology of brain wave entrainment.
Being spiritual then, can mean forever seeking higher levels of experience, and looking for the answers to the deepest questions. Science help in this quest. Since every answer raises even deeper questions, there is no extinguishment of spirituality by way of science. If spirituality is the quest, then science may be the most effective means of continuing it.
Science isn't system, but an approach to knowledge, a method. we must agree it is the most useful or productive method of understanding the world. What are its essential characteristics? They are objective observation, the deriving of principles and "laws", and predictions based on these. (When it produces things, it is also technology.)
Science can be easily differentiated from religion by the fact that all of the knowledge it produces might be proven wrong. Religious "knowledge" is typically sacred, and untouchable, while scientific knowledge is always being overthrown or refined by further application of science. While faith is the cornerstone of religion, evidence is for science.
This explains why "creationist" science is not actually science. A creationist "scientist" will not allow his religiously based beliefs to be challenged by new evidence. He will openly tell you that his "faith" is more important to him than the evidence. He only uses the pretense of science to support his preconceived notions. Many scientists, on the other hand, have overturned even their own theories, because the essence of science.
It seems that spirituality and science contradict one another, but this would only be true if all spirituality was based on religious beliefs. Spirituality, though, can be seeking higher levels of experience, asking the deepest questions, and seeking the true "self," which in no way makes it contrary to science. In fact, since science is such a productive method of discovering new truths, it can be used for spiritual exploration and discovery.
I a belief in God contrary to science? Not so long as it is based on experience rather than faith, and it is open to change. Spiritual systems of beliefs can be a convenient way of organizing and using our knowledge and experience, like many other scientific theories or paradigms. To be scientific, though, they must be open to change.
When the evidence shows it to be a phenomenon involving brain chemicals, why not accept that too? It is scientific spirituality, by the way, that has lead to the technology of brain wave entrainment.
Being spiritual then, can mean forever seeking higher levels of experience, and looking for the answers to the deepest questions. Science help in this quest. Since every answer raises even deeper questions, there is no extinguishment of spirituality by way of science. If spirituality is the quest, then science may be the most effective means of continuing it.
Universe is governed by Laws
The Universe is governed by Laws. These laws manifestations are multiform, We are familiar with some of its manifestations, but are almost totally ignorant of certain others. Still we are learning a little more every day - the veil is being gradually lifted.We speak learnedly of the Law of Gravitation, but ignore that equally wonderful manifestation, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION IN THE THOUGHT WORLD.
We are familiar with that wonderful manifestation of Law which draws and holds together the atoms of which matter is composed - we recognize the power of the law that attracts bodies to the earth, that holds the circling worlds in their places, but we close our eyes to the mighty law that draws to us the things we desire or fear, that makes or mars our lives.
When we come to see that Thought is a force - a manifestation of energy - having a magnet-like power of attraction, we will begin to understand the why and wherefore of many things that have heretofore seemed dark to us. But it works only in minds rather say biological minds only. When we think we send out vibrations of a fine ethereal substance, which are as real as the vibrations manifesting light, heat, electricity, magnetism. That these vibrations are not evident to our five senses . A powerful magnet will send out vibrations and exert a force sufficient to attract to itself a piece of steel weighing a hundred pounds, but we can neither see, taste, smell, hear nor feel the mighty force.
These thought vibrations, likewise, cannot be seen, tasted, smelled, heard nor felt in the ordinary way; although it is true there are on record cases of persons peculiarly sensitive to psychic impressions who have perceived powerful thought-waves, and very many of us can testify that we have distinctly felt the thought vibrations of others, both whilst in the presence of the sender and at a distance. Telepathy and its kindred phenomena are not idle dreams.
Light and heat are manifested by vibrations of a far lower intensity than those of Thought, but the difference is solely in the rate of vibration. Prof. Elisha Gray, an eminent scientist, says in his little book, "The Miracles of Nature":
"There is much food for speculation in the thought that there exist sound-waves that no human ear can hear, and color-waves of light that no eye can see. The long, dark, soundless space between 40,000 and 400,000,000,000,000 vibrations per second, and the infinity of range beyond 700,000,000,000,000 vibrations per second, where light ceases, in the universe of motion, makes it possible to indulge in speculation." M. M. Williams, in his work entitled "Short Chapters in Science," says:"There is no gradation between the most rapid undulations or tremblings that produce our sensation of sound, and the slowest of those which give rise to our sensations of gentlest warmth.
There is a huge gap between them, wide enough to include another world of motion, all lying between our world of sound and our world of heat and light; and there is no good reason whatever for supposing that matter is incapable of such intermediate activity, or that such activity may not give rise to intermediate sensations, provided there are organs for taking up and sensifying their movements."
The last-named fact has been fully established to the satisfaction of numerous investigators of the subject, and a little reflection will show you that it coincides with your own experiences.
We are familiar with that wonderful manifestation of Law which draws and holds together the atoms of which matter is composed - we recognize the power of the law that attracts bodies to the earth, that holds the circling worlds in their places, but we close our eyes to the mighty law that draws to us the things we desire or fear, that makes or mars our lives.
When we come to see that Thought is a force - a manifestation of energy - having a magnet-like power of attraction, we will begin to understand the why and wherefore of many things that have heretofore seemed dark to us. But it works only in minds rather say biological minds only. When we think we send out vibrations of a fine ethereal substance, which are as real as the vibrations manifesting light, heat, electricity, magnetism. That these vibrations are not evident to our five senses . A powerful magnet will send out vibrations and exert a force sufficient to attract to itself a piece of steel weighing a hundred pounds, but we can neither see, taste, smell, hear nor feel the mighty force.
These thought vibrations, likewise, cannot be seen, tasted, smelled, heard nor felt in the ordinary way; although it is true there are on record cases of persons peculiarly sensitive to psychic impressions who have perceived powerful thought-waves, and very many of us can testify that we have distinctly felt the thought vibrations of others, both whilst in the presence of the sender and at a distance. Telepathy and its kindred phenomena are not idle dreams.
Light and heat are manifested by vibrations of a far lower intensity than those of Thought, but the difference is solely in the rate of vibration. Prof. Elisha Gray, an eminent scientist, says in his little book, "The Miracles of Nature":
"There is much food for speculation in the thought that there exist sound-waves that no human ear can hear, and color-waves of light that no eye can see. The long, dark, soundless space between 40,000 and 400,000,000,000,000 vibrations per second, and the infinity of range beyond 700,000,000,000,000 vibrations per second, where light ceases, in the universe of motion, makes it possible to indulge in speculation." M. M. Williams, in his work entitled "Short Chapters in Science," says:"There is no gradation between the most rapid undulations or tremblings that produce our sensation of sound, and the slowest of those which give rise to our sensations of gentlest warmth.
There is a huge gap between them, wide enough to include another world of motion, all lying between our world of sound and our world of heat and light; and there is no good reason whatever for supposing that matter is incapable of such intermediate activity, or that such activity may not give rise to intermediate sensations, provided there are organs for taking up and sensifying their movements."
The last-named fact has been fully established to the satisfaction of numerous investigators of the subject, and a little reflection will show you that it coincides with your own experiences.
god's existence a challenge for human beings
Science is driven by evidence gathered in experiments, and by the falsification of extant theories and their replacement with newer, asymptotically truer, ones. Other systems - religion, nationalism, paranoid ideation, or art - are based on personal experiences (faith, inspiration, paranoia, etc.).
Experiential narratives can and do interact with evidential narratives and vice versa.
For instance: belief in God inspires some scientists who regard science as a method to understand God and to get closer to Him. Another example: the pursuit of scientific endeavors enhances one's national pride and is motivated by it. Science is often corrupted in order to support nationalistic and racist claims.
The basic units of all narratives are known by their effects on the environment. God, in this sense, is no different from electrons, quarks, and black holes. All four constructs cannot be directly observed, but the fact of their existence is derived from their effects.
Granted, God's effects are discernible only in the social and psychological realms. But this observed constraint doesn't render Him less "real". The hypothesized existence of God parsimoniously explains a myriad ostensibly unrelated phenomena and, therefore, conforms to the rules governing the formulation of scientific theories.
The locus of God's hypothesized existence is, clearly and exclusively, in the minds of believers. But this again does not make Him less real. The contents of our minds are as real as anything "out there". Actually, the very distinction between epistemology and ontologyis blurred.
But is God's existence "true" - or is He just a figment of our neediness and imagination?
Truth is the measure of the ability of our models to describe phenomena and predict them. God's existence succeeds to do both. For instance, assuming that God exists allows us to predict many of the behaviors of people who profess to believe in Him. The existence of God is, therefore, undoubtedly true (in this formal and strict sense).
But does God exist outside people's minds? Is He an objective entity, independent of what people may or may not think about Him? After all, if all sentient beings were to perish in a horrible calamity, the Sun would still be there, revolving as it has done from time immemorial.
If all sentient beings were to perish in a horrible calamity, would God still exist? If all sentient beings, including all humans, stop believing that there is God - would He survive this renunciation? Does God "out there" inspire the belief in God in religious folks' minds?
Known things are independent of the existence of observers (although the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Mechanics disputes this). Believed things are dependent on the existence of believers.
We know that the Sun exists. We don't know that God exists. We believe that God exists - but we don't and cannot know it, in the scientific sense of the word.
We can design experiments to falsify (prove wrong) the existence of electrons, quarks, and black holes (and, thus, if all these experiments fail, prove that electrons, quarks, and black holes exist). We can also design experiments to prove that electrons, quarks, and black holes exist.
But we cannot design even one experiment to falsify the existence of a God who is outside the minds of believers. Additionally, we cannot design even one experiment to prove that God exists outside the minds of believers.
What about the "argument from design"? The universe is so complex and diverse that surely it entails the existence of a supreme intelligence, the world's designer and creator, known by some as "God". On the other hand, the world's richness and variety can be fully accounted for using modern scientific theories such as evolution and the big bang. There is no need to introduce God into the equations.
Still, it is possible that God is responsible for it all. The problem is that we cannot design even one experiment to falsify this theory, that God created the Universe . Additionally, we cannot design even one experiment to prove that God created the world.
We can, however, design numerous experiments to falsify the scientific theories that explain the creation of the Universe . We can also design experiments to prove the scientific theories that explain the creation the Universe.
It does not mean that these theories are absolutely true and immutable. They are not. Our current scientific theories are partly true and are bound to change with new knowledge gained by experimentation. Our current scientific theories will be replaced by newer, truer theories. But any and all future scientific theories will be falsifiable and testable.Some theories and scientific results are proved truth all time, such as physics established and the learned people assume.
Knowledge and belief are like oil and water. They don't mix. Knowledge doesn't lead to belief and belief does not yield knowledge. Belief can yield conviction or strongly-felt opinions. But belief cannot result in knowledge.
Still, both known things and believed things exist. The former exist "out there" and the latter "in our minds" and only there. But they are sure not real but in believers mind predicts its a great truth .
Experiential narratives can and do interact with evidential narratives and vice versa.
For instance: belief in God inspires some scientists who regard science as a method to understand God and to get closer to Him. Another example: the pursuit of scientific endeavors enhances one's national pride and is motivated by it. Science is often corrupted in order to support nationalistic and racist claims.
The basic units of all narratives are known by their effects on the environment. God, in this sense, is no different from electrons, quarks, and black holes. All four constructs cannot be directly observed, but the fact of their existence is derived from their effects.
Granted, God's effects are discernible only in the social and psychological realms. But this observed constraint doesn't render Him less "real". The hypothesized existence of God parsimoniously explains a myriad ostensibly unrelated phenomena and, therefore, conforms to the rules governing the formulation of scientific theories.
The locus of God's hypothesized existence is, clearly and exclusively, in the minds of believers. But this again does not make Him less real. The contents of our minds are as real as anything "out there". Actually, the very distinction between epistemology and ontologyis blurred.
But is God's existence "true" - or is He just a figment of our neediness and imagination?
Truth is the measure of the ability of our models to describe phenomena and predict them. God's existence succeeds to do both. For instance, assuming that God exists allows us to predict many of the behaviors of people who profess to believe in Him. The existence of God is, therefore, undoubtedly true (in this formal and strict sense).
But does God exist outside people's minds? Is He an objective entity, independent of what people may or may not think about Him? After all, if all sentient beings were to perish in a horrible calamity, the Sun would still be there, revolving as it has done from time immemorial.
If all sentient beings were to perish in a horrible calamity, would God still exist? If all sentient beings, including all humans, stop believing that there is God - would He survive this renunciation? Does God "out there" inspire the belief in God in religious folks' minds?
Known things are independent of the existence of observers (although the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Mechanics disputes this). Believed things are dependent on the existence of believers.
We know that the Sun exists. We don't know that God exists. We believe that God exists - but we don't and cannot know it, in the scientific sense of the word.
We can design experiments to falsify (prove wrong) the existence of electrons, quarks, and black holes (and, thus, if all these experiments fail, prove that electrons, quarks, and black holes exist). We can also design experiments to prove that electrons, quarks, and black holes exist.
But we cannot design even one experiment to falsify the existence of a God who is outside the minds of believers. Additionally, we cannot design even one experiment to prove that God exists outside the minds of believers.
What about the "argument from design"? The universe is so complex and diverse that surely it entails the existence of a supreme intelligence, the world's designer and creator, known by some as "God". On the other hand, the world's richness and variety can be fully accounted for using modern scientific theories such as evolution and the big bang. There is no need to introduce God into the equations.
Still, it is possible that God is responsible for it all. The problem is that we cannot design even one experiment to falsify this theory, that God created the Universe . Additionally, we cannot design even one experiment to prove that God created the world.
We can, however, design numerous experiments to falsify the scientific theories that explain the creation of the Universe . We can also design experiments to prove the scientific theories that explain the creation the Universe.
It does not mean that these theories are absolutely true and immutable. They are not. Our current scientific theories are partly true and are bound to change with new knowledge gained by experimentation. Our current scientific theories will be replaced by newer, truer theories. But any and all future scientific theories will be falsifiable and testable.Some theories and scientific results are proved truth all time, such as physics established and the learned people assume.
Knowledge and belief are like oil and water. They don't mix. Knowledge doesn't lead to belief and belief does not yield knowledge. Belief can yield conviction or strongly-felt opinions. But belief cannot result in knowledge.
Still, both known things and believed things exist. The former exist "out there" and the latter "in our minds" and only there. But they are sure not real but in believers mind predicts its a great truth .
ignorance or intellectuality brings happiness.
Consider the heavenly view of the world that young souls entertain at the height of their innocence, when their youth has been surrounded by love and filled with happiness. Hear their laughter. Dreams expand in a vacuity of knowledge like a laughing gas and induce the blindest, the purest joy.
Ignorance is bliss, as they say, because it spares us the mental restraints associated with knowledge (which reveals the limits of reality and hence the impossibility of our . It is the ultimate playground where the mind can build castles in the air, create a wonderland, and live delightedly in this kingdom of reverie. It paves the way for the reign of error, as it leaves us to believe whatever we like. Everything that is desirable is realizable, if not real, until we find evidence to the contrary. Santa Claus eventually dies of our old age – when we are no longer so young, so green, that we are easily fooled by a tall story.
Brave realists know and accept the conditions and limitations of happiness. They think it all the more precious as it has a high cost and is bound to be lost sooner or later. They also understand that although one may indulge in a fickle existence for a while, one must eventually commit and apply oneself to a particular relationship, study, or career, in spite of imperfections and difficulties, if one wishes to achieve something worthy of mention. Nothing good can come from a search for better that always leaves one thing for another.
Young men, among the fantasizers I referred to earlier, are often lured by the social graces of pretty young women. The poor fish take the hook and eventually discover they have made a mistake, like many others in the same boat. The dream girls were ordinary maidens or vixens who first behaved and talked infinitely sweet, and later proved lovable in a limited way or revealed their sour temper.
to be continued
creation and creator
creation and creator must not be of same entity because its nature must be different, when some one say I made this that is s/he is claiming that his parts or particles of his/her body does not included on the said creation other wise his/her claim will be vague because life could produce something or replicate like its own shape by its reproduction organ, it is not creation.
Creation means do something new and responsible for its whole life to generate or working on new creation needs much dedication and knowledge as well. The humans have the ability to create other animals of the world has no creation power, its our honour to be a man
Creation means do something new and responsible for its whole life to generate or working on new creation needs much dedication and knowledge as well. The humans have the ability to create other animals of the world has no creation power, its our honour to be a man
Religious Fanaticism and Poly-behavioral Addiction
There are a variety of definitions for the concept of religious addiction. Arterburn and Felton (1992) state that "when a person is excessively devoted to something or surrenders compulsively and habitually to something, that pathological and physiological dependency on a substance, relationship, or behavior results in addiction" (p. 104). They indicate that, "like any other addiction, the practice of religion becomes central to every other aspect of life...all relationships evolve from the religion, and the dependency on the religious practice and its members removes the need for a dependency on God...the religion and those who practice it then become the central power for the addict who no longer is in touch with God" (p. 117).
Spirituality can also have pathological aspects to it. Vaughan (1991) reports that "the shadow side to a healthy search for wholeness can be called addiction to spirituality" (p. 105). He indicates that this can be found among people who use spirituality as a solution to problems they are unwilling to face. Van-Kaam (1987) presents a viewpoint of addiction as a quasi religious or falsified religious presence. He reports that "an understanding of the relationship between religious presence and addiction allows potential dangers of receptivity to be identified in order to realize the real value of true religious presence and the shame of its counterfeit, addiction" (p. 243). McKenzie (1991) discusses addiction as an unauthentic form of spiritual existence. He says that, "addiction is born of the human desire for transcendence which is often perverted or misplaced by societies that encourage their members to seek ultimate meaning in dimensions that have no regard for the transcendent" (p. 325). Heise (1991, p. 11) explores the fundamentalist Christian's focus on perfectionism, and it's possible contribution to an increase in dysfunctional individuals, family systems, and addictions.
Spirituality can also have pathological aspects to it. Vaughan (1991) reports that "the shadow side to a healthy search for wholeness can be called addiction to spirituality" (p. 105). He indicates that this can be found among people who use spirituality as a solution to problems they are unwilling to face. Van-Kaam (1987) presents a viewpoint of addiction as a quasi religious or falsified religious presence. He reports that "an understanding of the relationship between religious presence and addiction allows potential dangers of receptivity to be identified in order to realize the real value of true religious presence and the shame of its counterfeit, addiction" (p. 243). McKenzie (1991) discusses addiction as an unauthentic form of spiritual existence. He says that, "addiction is born of the human desire for transcendence which is often perverted or misplaced by societies that encourage their members to seek ultimate meaning in dimensions that have no regard for the transcendent" (p. 325). Heise (1991, p. 11) explores the fundamentalist Christian's focus on perfectionism, and it's possible contribution to an increase in dysfunctional individuals, family systems, and addictions.
Religious people develop a dependency on religious practices for social approval.
The few research studies aforementioned seem to suggest that religious people develop a dependency on religious practices for social approval. Since religious people seem to be describable in terms of relatively high levels of dependence, it seems useful to borrow a concept suggested by Peele and Brodsky (1975)- that of "addiction." According to these writers addiction is "a person's attachment to a sensation, an object, or another person... such as to lessen his appreciation of and ability to deal with other things in his environment, or in himself, so that he has become increasingly dependent on that experience as his only source of gratification" (p. 168).
There are a variety of definitions for the concept of religious addiction. Arterburn and Felton (1992) state that "when a person is excessively devoted to something or surrenders compulsively and habitually to something, that pathological and physiological dependency on a substance, relationship, or behavior results in addiction" (p. 104). They indicate that, "like any other addiction, the practice of religion becomes central to every other aspect of life...all relationships evolve from the religion, and the dependency on the religious practice and its members removes the need for a dependency on God...the religion and those who practice it then become the central power for the addict who no longer is in touch with God" (p. 117).
There are a variety of definitions for the concept of religious addiction. Arterburn and Felton (1992) state that "when a person is excessively devoted to something or surrenders compulsively and habitually to something, that pathological and physiological dependency on a substance, relationship, or behavior results in addiction" (p. 104). They indicate that, "like any other addiction, the practice of religion becomes central to every other aspect of life...all relationships evolve from the religion, and the dependency on the religious practice and its members removes the need for a dependency on God...the religion and those who practice it then become the central power for the addict who no longer is in touch with God" (p. 117).
Religious Fanaticism and Poly-behavioral Addiction
Surveys show that religion and spirituality play a central role in the lives of most of the population in human experience. Gallup (2004) found that 59% of adults nationwide say religion is a very important part of their lives. An additional 26% of Americans say religion is fairly important to them. Just 15% of respondents say religion is not very important. About two-thirds of Americans, 64%, belong to a church or synagogue. The religious and spiritual dimensions of culture were found to be among the most important factors that structure human experience, beliefs, values, behavior, and illness (Browning et al., 1990 James, 1961 Krippner and Welch, 1992).
Researchers however, report that some individuals seem to get fanatical about thier religion and develop maladaptive behaviors. Members of the American Psychological Association reported that at least one in six of their clients presented issues that involve religion or spirituality (Shafranske and Maloney, 1990). In another study, 29% of psychologists agreed that religious issues are important in the treatment of all or many of their clients (Bergin and Jensen, 1990, p. 3). Psychotherapy can sometimes be effective in treating religious problems. Robinson (1986) noted, "Some patients have troublesome conflicts about religion that could probably be resolved through the process of psychotherapy" (p.22).
Researchers however, report that some individuals seem to get fanatical about thier religion and develop maladaptive behaviors. Members of the American Psychological Association reported that at least one in six of their clients presented issues that involve religion or spirituality (Shafranske and Maloney, 1990). In another study, 29% of psychologists agreed that religious issues are important in the treatment of all or many of their clients (Bergin and Jensen, 1990, p. 3). Psychotherapy can sometimes be effective in treating religious problems. Robinson (1986) noted, "Some patients have troublesome conflicts about religion that could probably be resolved through the process of psychotherapy" (p.22).
existence and consciousness that have come from nowhere.
Energy equals to mass into time(second)square describes when some power gather in one point then a particle of substance created alternately its the best theory described by Albert Einstein. If various molecules has different aspect then, jointly they can assign various jobs such as life creation also then the life itself replicate itself to survive and everyone knows Charles Darwin's theory to understand what I am talking.
The Life comes from dead chemicals?
The universe which we see and which we cannot see is in front of us.The distance between the stars and galaxies is measured in light years and they existed even before mankind made its appearance on earth as we know it. The estimated age of the universe is 13.75 ± 0.17 billion years, and the appearance of man is based on fossil studies is between 160,000 to 195,000 years ago.
Absence of anything is nothing and the life is you, you can not come from nowhere so even god can not pop out from nowhere. You are like software and your body is like hardware of the computer, even god can not get anything from nothing especially you are the life. The Life has to come from life.
Absence of anything is nothing and the life is you, you can not come from nowhere so even god can not pop out from nowhere. You are like software and your body is like hardware of the computer, even god can not get anything from nothing especially you are the life. The Life has to come from life.
who controls the universe?
The precise orbits of earth and regularity of occurrence of seasons on planets seems to indicate that they are not random occurrences. They follow a system which is controlled.
The distance between galaxies is measured in light years. No human being or any power which we know of has the ability to control objects at such distances. So there is a super power far more intelligent and capable of maintaining the equilibrium over millions of years even before the birth of mankind. What is that power?
Such questions lead philosophers to make educated and intelligent guesses based on probabilities, commonsense and extra human consciousness. Their inferences were passed down over centuries from generation to another by word of mouth. Such knowledge is fraught with error and distortions during transmission.
The universe seems to be controlled in its existence by various laws of Physics, Chemistry, Biology as we discovered them due to studies of Newton, Einstein and many others. So our knowledge is very recent while our ignorance is huge.
The distance between galaxies is measured in light years. No human being or any power which we know of has the ability to control objects at such distances. So there is a super power far more intelligent and capable of maintaining the equilibrium over millions of years even before the birth of mankind. What is that power?
Such questions lead philosophers to make educated and intelligent guesses based on probabilities, commonsense and extra human consciousness. Their inferences were passed down over centuries from generation to another by word of mouth. Such knowledge is fraught with error and distortions during transmission.
The universe seems to be controlled in its existence by various laws of Physics, Chemistry, Biology as we discovered them due to studies of Newton, Einstein and many others. So our knowledge is very recent while our ignorance is huge.
no one has proof about god
Nobody has seen God and there were many atheists who doubt His existence. In spite of so much disbelief there are a majority of believers in the world. So God is proving to be stronger than the doubters.
None whatsoever. If there is a God, he's never shown himself and has never done anything that provides solid evidence that he exists. Science has also done a good job of explaining how the universe formed without him.
In fairness, various people claimed to have seen him, or heard from him. These claims, however, have never been independently verified, and are mutually contradictory.
Today the modern intelligent human is asking for proof which he/she can see. Since we cannot travel backwards in time, we cannot know for certain what happened in the past except to rely on the information received from our ancestors which could be distorted over time.
scientists striving there best to acquire knowledge
scientists striving there best to acquire knowledge and push mankind in progress where as religion try their best to back, back into old values and societal norms who wins, In the third world religion wins and in the first world the players of making the world interesting wins. Ignorance is a bliss to the society who does not understand why the smarts rule the world and punishment to them who are ignorant, acquiring knowledge is the best meditative against all the odds what screw up all the ventures of peace, so its any sole's independent duty to acquire fresh knowledge to compete within universe.
why different cultures and religions?
There is variety of men in the world . Different races creates different cultures so as different religions also
If there is god then why the differences between people only for choosing or reign, a country try their best to accommodate one race and reject minor races, what is important to me is, Why any race is superior to other?
The judgment creates chaos and makes sense that there is no god only the smart tribes dominating other tribes and in order to keep the circumstance tolerable they create laws, norms, official rules also.
If there is god then why the differences between people only for choosing or reign, a country try their best to accommodate one race and reject minor races, what is important to me is, Why any race is superior to other?
The judgment creates chaos and makes sense that there is no god only the smart tribes dominating other tribes and in order to keep the circumstance tolerable they create laws, norms, official rules also.
The dignity being a man
In the world no animal can think and understand better than man. Man can lie because they want to avoid wrong situation but be sure it will not harm you or your family or your friends or your neighbors or other human beings because you are grown up by their help, you will be live long by their help and of course they will assume whether you are good or bad no matter you lived in scarce fed family,quarreling neighbors and awful rulers but every thing depends upon you because you have enough options to do and overcome the situation. Being a man you have every choices open though religion and rulers try their best to block but is is a fun and sport to overcome the block and its the dignity being a man.
honour counts
Everyman in the world needs honour in search of honor smart people try their best to dominate ignorant or money handicap people by their strategies. In the form of job creation, in the form of govt creation, in the form of doing well, so its being lucrative and most of the people fall in the trap they never understand only independent savvy soul can understand but all in vain because a drop of water cannot change the color of the pond or its behaviors
can science help?
Science would help if man has the rationality and accept the facts though the holy books are saying different and try their best to explore the unseen and unknown experiences and put it in their daily practice.
aweful existance of man
why man live only in earth not in outer planets also, the awesome aspects of existence man will never understand
differences make the fact that all religions are a lie.
for any said religion is different from other religions because of practice, norms, social behavior, it could raise any rational man's eyebrow what is happening out there?
Destructive force of the world
Religious faith is possibly the most destructive force in the world. Religion can create selfishness and unity for some said people not for the whole people lived there so outer world become neglected because world is full of contradictions, and different people in different place, area changed mind changes as well as weather changes idea changes, so unity is very difficult.Some worldly war claims only a few objection can break out war easily of which religious views should be in number one place.
World leaders are divided by the territories as well as religious faiths also and in some place by language,race,practices and ego also, so when religious faith unites, no one can do them apart. Nor language, not area or otherwise. People can practice their religious views by a society and any man apart from that society will find it difficult to live there. Some nation created by the societies as well as tribes or social norms and sure majority leads the social process as well as national media so minority feels unsafe or some time abused.
Happiness, companionship and devotion of feelings of oneness are created when you feel that you are one of them so when in developed country develops multicultural nations they enforce law but it is rather difficult to implement, and people have tendency to overlook them and some time break them with out not sure about effects on his/her life. If they can't help them self they feel lonely as well as disgusted.
Religion fills society and its people's minds with holy quotations and dreams such as residence of heaven where no works, no society , no obligation only sex and food no rationality needed, no job, only happiness and superb living standard with superb healthy body and mind to live and cherish, they don't raise a question whether there we are human or not, if once you get there you can not perform any development works what human's status will be?The sense of works demolished in the believers and just praying(begging) for some thing is the worst case developed on the believers mind and doing nothing is the result.So why the third world countries left behind. People know that only praying for eternal life and religious practices will let them in to heaven so that they don't try science, live simple life and die like an animal who have nothing to worry why he/she lived this world ?
World leaders are divided by the territories as well as religious faiths also and in some place by language,race,practices and ego also, so when religious faith unites, no one can do them apart. Nor language, not area or otherwise. People can practice their religious views by a society and any man apart from that society will find it difficult to live there. Some nation created by the societies as well as tribes or social norms and sure majority leads the social process as well as national media so minority feels unsafe or some time abused.
Happiness, companionship and devotion of feelings of oneness are created when you feel that you are one of them so when in developed country develops multicultural nations they enforce law but it is rather difficult to implement, and people have tendency to overlook them and some time break them with out not sure about effects on his/her life. If they can't help them self they feel lonely as well as disgusted.
Religion fills society and its people's minds with holy quotations and dreams such as residence of heaven where no works, no society , no obligation only sex and food no rationality needed, no job, only happiness and superb living standard with superb healthy body and mind to live and cherish, they don't raise a question whether there we are human or not, if once you get there you can not perform any development works what human's status will be?The sense of works demolished in the believers and just praying(begging) for some thing is the worst case developed on the believers mind and doing nothing is the result.So why the third world countries left behind. People know that only praying for eternal life and religious practices will let them in to heaven so that they don't try science, live simple life and die like an animal who have nothing to worry why he/she lived this world ?
holy books are not sufficient
Who brought the holy book is responsible for its language and the readers round the world finds difficulties reading those books, the examples are quite same described on various holy books. Some languages are lucrative to hypnotize , some are rigid to understand and those who are telling can put some biasing on it.
The followers or firm believers could not find any fault on any sayings of holy books while atheists find every thing faulty about story telling, setting examples and the sayings for any said religion and it is very hard to distinguish which rely on what and for what reason it is happening, so my guess is that holy books are not sufficient to answer all human problems and the future is what.
The followers or firm believers could not find any fault on any sayings of holy books while atheists find every thing faulty about story telling, setting examples and the sayings for any said religion and it is very hard to distinguish which rely on what and for what reason it is happening, so my guess is that holy books are not sufficient to answer all human problems and the future is what.
can a rational mind take anything without proof?
People round the world who are believers in other words faithful to any religion is not ready to prove their claim from where they are sure about their religions saying is right and on what ground, a scientist when publish a research paper he should prove what he is saying to the world why not the religion masters will be in the custody about their sayings
if god created from nothing why not man?
people who are religious could not assure you from where the god comes into reality that is god came
from nothing but for man always needed a creator, aren't it seems fake.
our subconscious mind do not find any solution about this so people are hopeless about this
from nothing but for man always needed a creator, aren't it seems fake.
our subconscious mind do not find any solution about this so people are hopeless about this
the effects of hindu cultures in bengali societies
The hindu cultures reign in the Indian regime and also all over Bangladesh,Nepal, Srilanka
The hindu community based on Mahabharat stories and people are non logic about religious sayings
The hindu community based on Mahabharat stories and people are non logic about religious sayings
searching for power
people round the world from the medieval age seeks power to prey over common people so why religion evolves and flourished. Common peoples are scope goats in this aspect, some mysterious theories and magical events took shape the believers idea of those religions and arguments are strictly prohibited in religious environment because the less people know about the basics of religion's formation the better for the priests and the followers, the less their knowledge about science the better. Believers some time great threat for innocent people because democracy means peoples choice and the majority can not be minors should be humiliated
relegions are talking about after death lives
religions are talking much about after death, lives are eternal and who posted in heaven will have no works to do, I doubt this is far from fact because humans are not robots so willing or thoughtfulness is necessary for living, so works is necessary for us.people who posted in heaven mostly having sex but there will be no result because no child will come after doing this and this predicts that you become a machine, if the eternal life begins after death and has no end then they become like god, this prediction looks lucrative and a definite lie. Only the greedy souls are seeking happiness in religions no rational man can find hope in this way and I think they are put some pressure in our daily works by hanging this lucrative prediction.
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