Islam prohibits some issues that modern people like to do such as music, in Islamic view music has nothing to do good but occupy people's brains with unnecessary feelings, people can easily live with out music.The next thing is only an oath can't do, people hate to give hard proofs such as examination can reveal how much you learned and took seriously from the teachings, pass or fail is not a matter but people are serious about results. Using all physical and mental issues for good purpose is really hard to practice but Islam will not allow you to do them in even subtle distorted way. In Islamic way you should improve day by day with out trying hard, your family and society along with a nation can make all issues as simple as weather pour anything all over the world. So living in Islamic society is the full proof formula for human beings but people afraid to do so because there rigorous punishment available for doing wrong willingly.
People has vague idea of lives after death and different religions gave different ideas but the summary are the same.People hope that they will reign for eternal. some heavens are created to live and some behaviors are banned here (on earth)to use it after death only. Few religions are alike the difference between the religions are very narrow but no one has solid proof, even the science cannot fathom this so I opened this blog to discuss and learn from the learned
জনপ্রিয় পোস্টসমূহ
আই এস ও ফিল্ম বা পর্দার (ডিজিটাল ) সংবেদনশীলতা আলো দ্বারা নির্ধারিত হয় সর্বনিম্ন ৫০ থেকে ২৫০০০ পর্যন্ত মাত্রা ক্যামেরা সেটিংস করা যায...
ছবির কিছু অংশ পরিষ্কার আবার কিছু অংশ অস্পষ্ট এটা শুধু মাত্র ফোকাস নির্ধারণ দ্বারা নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা যায় , ক্যামেরা ফোকাস একই সাথে সকল অংশ করল...
Intuition means see or look beyond the facts which calculation could not fathom or no rational brain can guess or no experience gathered by ...
Religious faith is possibly the most destructive force in the world. Religion can create selfishness and unity for some said people not for...
Fight or flight - our automatic response to danger. When fear is present, adrenaline pours into our system to prepare us to fight or flee - ...
কালার ছবির নিখুত ছবি তোলা কঠিন কারণ রঙের ওয়েভ লেংথ আলাদা প্রতিটি রং লেন্সে দ্বারা পতিসরিত হয়ে আলাদা দুই রঙের ছবি সৃষ্টি করতে পারে যেটি অস...
When a baby tries to do a new thing his mother follow and do not let him do those things that are harmful to the baby so does Islam, eithe...
Death is not something that many people want to think about. However, death is a part of living a human life. At least, our current level o...
সারা বিশ্বের সকল মানুষ মৃত্যু বিষয়ে নিশ্চিত হতে পারেনি , বিভিন্ন ধর্মে বিভিন্ন ধরনের আলোচনা তর্ক আরো উস্কে তোলে, মৃত্যু পরবর্তী জীবন নিয়ে...
People on life do not understand about lives after death because that life will start after death only and no body (PHYSICAL BODY) needed t...
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